Feasibility Study (2014), Mallee Track Advancing Country Towns Initiative

The Ouyen Independent Living Feasibility Study (2014) was also a project of the Advancing Country Towns (ACT) initiative. The Ouyen Independent Living Feasibility Study sought to determine both the community demand for and financial feasibility of developing purpose built aged Independent Living Units in Ouyen.

The Study responded to several community identified imperatives including the absence of purpose built ‘Aged Independent Living’ accommodation options in Ouyen; an ageing Mallee Track demographic profile; the national priority to provide options which supported older community members living independently, at home, for longer; an absence of appropriate and available accommodation options for both younger existing Ouyen families and families seeking to relocate to Ouyen; the availability of a significant parcel of centrally located land (1.9 ha) ideal for such a development; and the opportunity to provide a sustained boost to the local trades and services through a staged Independent Living Facility development.