Robinvale Youth Performing Arts Centre (RYPAC), Social Feasibility Study (2019)
A social feasibility study assesses the impact of an initiative on the local community and the lives of people living in that community. The study into the feasibility of a Robinvale YouthPerforming Arts Centre (RYPAC) was initiated by Phunktional, a Melbourne based performing arts company who have delivered place-based, whole-of-community projects in the Mallee region since 2008.
The purpose of the feasibility study was to ascertain the viability of establishing a long-term, sustainable, community-driven youth performing arts centre, based in the Mallee region of northwest Victoria.
Local Logic Place undertook the social feasibility study, working along side the financial feasibility consultants to hear from community members, schools, businesses and philanthropies in the three ‘short-listed’ northwest Victorian communities.